Legal stuff: Shibadou, ShibCup 2000, Sir Kurbieus the Informer, Santa Clause, Jimmy, Black Jack Videl, Ixxis, Angel, the ShibCup logo, all stories in The Sugar Shack, and all the zany story lines that take place in my realm (and the realm itself) are copyrighted under the Shibadou himself(all rights reserved, baby.) GunBlade is copyrighted under GunBlade themselfves. DooDah Man, Reuben, Deal, and Jack are registered trademarks of Liquid Blue, Inc. I am in no way, shape or form trying to steal them for my own. All other characters that appear in the ShibCup and As The Thighmaster Turns besides the ones stated above are registered under their respective companys. Please don't sue me. It's all in good fun! ^^- |