I was being held captive in a tank filled with a green liquid. The tank was a small glass orb suspended off the ground, one that was barely able to contain my body. I was in a straight jacket and a muzzle, and had a pair of leather goggles on. Tubes were connected to my muzzle and three into my back to give me oxygen. I was held there for years upon years. Several men in white lab coats would come into my room and observe me. They would stare at my near lifeless body for hours on end, making notes on a little clipboard every once and a while. The room in which the orb was contained was a small one. The walls lined with machines that would sustain my life. Then one day...The doctours...or whatever they were came into the room and they circled the tank. I darted my eyes back and forth across the room, they all looked the same!!! All with square jaws and thin black moustaches. They had similar goggles on and a white lab coat. They wore rubber gloves and black boots. Never did their attire change...neither did their expression. Their face was like it was carved in stone. I was frightened, I lived in fear. I was unable to sleep, I was so gripped with terror as to what these strange men were going to do to me. As they stood there...watching me...circled around my home...the only home I had ever known...they smiled...the first time their mouthes opened...my breath was taken away. They opened their mouthes wide. Then their jaws unhinged and the lower part of their faces dropped to the ground in unison. Then one by one...a single green tentacle reached out from the throat of the doctours. The tentacles were long and suckered and slapped and slithered around my tank. I tried moving, but my muscles had deteriorated so much that I was unable to. The tentacles soon wrapped the tank so much I could not see out. My breathes hastened...What was going on??? I did not understand. I began to cry. My weeping was interupted as the glass cracked a bit. My eyes leapt to where the glass broke and locked on. They were wide with fear. If I was to exit my tomb, I would not be able to defend myself from these...things...The glass broke more. What were they doing? The glass broke again. Soon it was an immense spider web of cracks and stitches in my glass home. I cried more. I didn't know what to do. I heard a hissing noise...and then a popping. The tubes in my back and muzzle detached and retracted into the machine that held up my tank. The tubes were latched onto my body by hooks, and when they left, they took much of my flesh. The green liquid in which I had forever been intombed was beginning to cloud with blood. I couldn't breathe...Water began seeping into my mouth and down into my lungs. I was beginning to lose consciousness. I was drowning. A deafening group of roars was followed by the shattering of my tank. I fell to the ground, landing on and cutting my self with what was remaing of my tank. I bled and coughed. I could not move. I was vulnerable. The tentacles slithered back into the doctours throats and their jaws climbed back and re-hinged on their skulls. They adjusted their goggles and moved in closer to me. All I could do was watch as they hoisted me up and carried me out of the small room. My blood ran down my body and onto theirs. I was held high above their heads. I stared at the ceiling, seeing light fixtures zip by. They were moving insanely fast. We soon came into a room that was completely black besides a light above a table. They put me down onto the table...I was still looking at the ceiling. The doctours looked down on my crippled body. I was scrunched up in a ball from being imprisioned in the circular cell. They straightened me out, breaking several bones in the process. I winced in pain but was unable to cry out. They took out several instruments and slit open my straight jacket, exposing my pale skin beneath. I had been shaved of all my hair. They took their scalpels and made an inscision in the center of my chest, moving down to my belly button. The pain was intense. They pulled open my skin revealing the thin muscle beneath. They cut this too, and moved it aside. My weak bones were exposed. They took small chisels and mallets and began chipping away my ribcage. Soon my organs had been exposed and in turn removed. I was somehow conscious...somehow alive...during the entire proceedure. They then took cogs, and circuits, and wires, and steel plates, and coils, and many other technologic devices and they sewed me back up. They stitched my bodyback up, and even had to staple in a few places. They split open my legs and arms, and removed the fragile bone and replaced it with steel beams. The sliced apart my face and removed my skull and replaced it with plates of titanium. After removing and replacing my eyeballs. They clicked off the lamp. My skin was a glow with a faint green light...I moved my eyes from side to side and saw the doctours...but not as a man would see them...I saw them as who they were...they were small and very fragile. Their thin bodies glowed as mine did. Their almond shaped eyes blinked in the darkenss...they looked up at each other and shook each others hands. I stood up from the table. It was an amazing sensation. I flexed my arms and legs and smiled an evil smile...I had become their weopon of destruction...their tool agains humanity...I was to destroy the Earth and all of it's people with extreme predjudice. I was an Iron Man of death and hatred brought upon this planet by those who watched from above...That was my mission...and that was my accomplishment...The Earth dissapeared in a flash...and I laughed... Bark At The Moon The man blinks. He smells freshly mown grass. He feels soft dew glisten on his face. He opens his eyes. It was dark. He had fallen asleep in the park somehow. He sits up, looks around. Wow. A lot of activity for so late at night. He sees an ambulance over on the street corner. Two paramedics were helping a man into the back of it. The man was covered in a blood stained blanket. Probably a shooting. That sort of stuff happens in this god forsaken city. He cringes at the thought of that word...god...Why? He didn't know. And he didn't care. He just wondered why he was in the middle of the damn park in the middle of the damn night. He scratches his head and stands up. Hmmm. He didn't notice the police cars over near the ambulance as well. Some detectives were talking to an elderly lady in her nightgown and rollers in front of the apartment building nearby. She had probably heard gun shots from her apartment. That sort of stuff happens in this god forsaken city. He shudders at the thought of that word...god...Why? He didn't know. And he didn't care. He just wondered why he was in the middle of the damn park in the middle of the damn night. He turns around, walks toward a bench underneath a tree. He sits down, sighing, taking a rest before he headed home. He was exhausted for some reason. He looked down to see his clothes were torn and ripped. Hanging loosely on his body. He wasn't wearing any shoes, and his feet were cracked and bleeding from the cold. He didn't remember anything from the night before. He probably got drunk. Staggered to the park from the bar he frequented. Fell over behind the bushes and passed out. Then he was probably robbed during the night by the many homeless people that hung around. That sort of stuff happens in this god forsaken city. His stomach lurches at the thought of that word...god...Why? He didn't know. And he didn't care. He just wondered why he was in the middle of the damn park in the middle of the damn night. He yawns. He turns around, looking at the tree behind him. There were large, deep gashes in the bark. Sad what these teenagers will do to the wildlife around here. His attention is drawn by two squirrels playing in the meadow. They were frolicking in the late evening light, playfully fighting over an acorn. Grumble. He felt his stomach growl. He licked his lips as he looked at the squirrels. Too bad they won't last too much into their lives. They would probably be run over by the morning. That sort of stuff happens in this god forsaken city. He gags at the thought of that word...god...Why? He didn't know. And he didn't care. He just wondered why he was in the middle of the damn park in the middle of the damn night. He scratches his groin as he stands from the bench. It smelled nice out here. And it was really a nice park. The city had just deemed it neccessary to plow over the children's play ground to make more room for a circular track for the adult's, though. Those stupid officials. Have they no compasion for the younger generation? But, that sort of stuff happens in this god forsaken city. He bends over, and hurls at the thought of that word...god...Why? He didn't know. And he didn't care. He just wondered why he was in the middle of the damn park in the middle of the damn night. He yawns and looks up to the night sky. It was a gorgeous evening. Not even in it's prime. He glanced at his watch. Broken, but still working. It was only 2:30. The night was still young. The stars shone bright in the sky, but was diminuitive next to the brilliant glow of the moon. The...full...moon...His eyes locked on the rock floating in space. It was so compelling. So hypnotizing. He felt light headed all of the sudden. His stubble beard was itchy. He scratched it, and felt it grow. It grew. And grew. It was long and shaggy now. He kept scratching. He winced as he cut his chin. He looked at his hand. His fingernails had grown a lot over night. They were sharp. And pointy. And blood stained. He shrugged and looked back to the moon. He felt his ears move up his head. Kinda tickled. They grew pointy. And hairy. His arms and legs buldged. And they grew hairy. His pupils shrunk until they were unable to be seen. He scratched his nose. He winced as he cut it. He looked at his hand. It had grown hairy. That's odd. He yawned. But instead of a yawn, a long, moaning, mournful howl escaped his fang filled maw. OH MY GOD!!! The elderly woman yelled from across the street. She had seen him. And The police. And paramedics. WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS THAT!?! He grew angry and roared at the sound of that word...god...Why? He didn't know...or maybe...He did... NEXT! Jericho tugged at the collar of his shirt. It was a might warm in this waiting room. He looked around at the other patrons waiting on their turn. There was one man that caught Jericho's attention in particular. He was sitting with his head down and his hands clasped between his legs. He had a look of angst and worry on his pale face. He trembled abit as he sat. On his head sat a small fedora, which bounced around on his bald head as he shivered. Jericho didn?ee how he could be shiverring. It was hot as hell in this room. Ironic. The receptionist looked up over her horn rimmed glasses and glared her beady eyes at the shiverring man. "Joseph Wyrman," she cackeled, "You're next." The man groaned and stood up. He slowly trodged toward the door behind the receptionist desk, the pick axe bouncing from his head as he took each step. Blood trickled from the wound in the back of his head and down into his shirt. Poor fellow. That must've smarted. Wyrman opened the door behind the receptionist and Jericho glanced inside. It was pitch black inside. Wyrman trodged inside and the heavy door slammed behind him. Jericho could hear the Wyrman utter, "NO! Please!" and then a dull whimper as... Jericho looked up, startled as the receptionist slammed a stamp down on Wyrman's file. It was only a matter of time. The receptionist bawled out, "Vincent D'arico. You are next!" A thin albino stood up out of his chair and layed the latest issue of The New Jerseyer down where his posterior had once been. Vincent looked young. Twenties, maybe. His head and chin were covered in thick white hair and he was wearing a white apron, stained with blood. Must've been a butcher. He turned towards the door behind the receptionist and Jericho saw the large hole in the back of his head. His hollow skull nested what seemed to be a large rat. Must've crawled in while he was waiting. This God forsaken place was the nastiest, most unsanitary Hell hole in the world. Ironic. Jericho looked at his watch and found that the hands were spinning around like crazy. Silly Jericho. It doesn't matter what time it is. Vincent walked into through the doorway behind the receptionist's desk and saw the heavy door slam behind him. Jericho heard deep laughter. Then silence. It was only a matter of time now. Only a matter of time. The room was nearly empty now. Only a few of the patrons had remained. A small boy sat in the floor playing with a toy car. His face torn off by a ravenous dog. His sun bleached skull shone brightly in the dimly lit room. An old woman sat in a wheelchair holding what looked like a headless cat. Around the womans mouth, fresh blood and clean, white foam. Her eyes twitched as her nerves pulsed outside of her flesh. Jericho glanced at the fat woan sitting behind the receptionist desk. Her scraggly gray hair fell over her shoulders. Spiders crawled through her hair, and through her ears and out her nose. What a Hellacious old biddy. Ironic. Jericho looked up at the ceiling. Only a matter of time now. Only a matter of time. "Jericho Kaine," the woman screeched, "You are next!" Jericho began walking toward the gaping hole in the wall behind the receptionists desk. Pitch blackness awaited him. He went through the portal and the heavy door slammed behind him. It was dark. There was no light. Dark. Dark. A flame ignited above him. A flame ignited on the head of the Prince of Darkness. A flame ignited upon the crown of the Prince of Darkness. Jericho looked up at the man. Or was it a beast? It doesn't matter. It was only a matter of time now. Only a matter of time. The Lord of the Underworld bellowed and pointed down upon Jericho. Lucifer stepped off of his throne of skulls and reached down to Jericho. Lifted him up off the ground and peered deep within his eyes. The Hellacious beast stared deep within his soul. Ironic. It was only a matter of time now. Only a matter of time. Lucifer carried Jericho over to the edge of a small cliff. Over the edge, Jericho could see the immense pit. The Lake of Fire. Across the chasm, Jericho could see the monstrous three headed dog, Cerberus. In the Lake of Fire, Jericho saw all the young men and women sentenced to eternity in flames. Satan points down at the pit. And casts Jericho in. Jericho plummeted into the Lake of Fire. Immense pain washed over his body. His body that wouldn't burn. The body that will never burn. For all eternity. As he sank deep within the Lake of Fire, he could see The Devil step away from the cliff and scream out to the receptionist, "NEXT!" Jericho thought about the young boy and the frothing woman, and the countless others that will soon be joining him in tormenting eternity. They will soon join him. Soon. It was only a matter of time.